The term LOGOPEDIA (speech therapy) comes from the greek logos (word) and paideia (education) and as such, we make reference to a Science that must be based on an adequate balance between theory and practice.
Logopedia (Speech Therapy) thus as a science studies and develops in depth the prevention, supervision, investigation and rehabilitation of vocal problems as much in the spoken as in the written language.
The main objective of Speech Therapy is to rehabilitate human language and communication when this has been subjected to alterations or disturbances and to develop the means to reestablish interaction and communication.
The Speech Therapist is the professional, a university graduate , who has studied specialist areas or has done a Masters Degree who assumes responsibility for the prevention, evaluation, treatment and scientific study of disturbances in human communication.
Human communication in this case comprises all the functions and processes associated with the understanding and expression of spoken and written language, as well as any form of non verbal communication.